Is It Safe to Take Black Cohosh for Menopausal Symptoms?
Are you looking for the dream natural solution for menopause? Look no further. Of the top 10 natural supplements for menopause symptom relief, black cohosh has got you covered the best. Although it’s technically a supplement, many people refer to black cohosh as the top of the heap when it comes to vitamins for menopause.

What’s the Best Vitamin for Menopausal Symptoms?
There are many to choose from, but the best vitamin for menopausal symptoms isn’t a vitamin at all! While many people might think of black cohosh as a vitamin or supplement, it’s actually not a vitamin, but rather an herb that can be taken in supplement form.
What Is Black Cohosh, Exactly?
Black cohosh is the name of a plant whose flowers, are surprisingly, not black. In fact, they look like tiny white bottle cleaners. The plant is a member of the buttercup family. (As in, 🎶Why do you build me up/ Black cohosh baby / Just to let me down🎶)The black cohosh herb actually comes from the roots of the plant, which is native to North America. It is one of the most popular natural menopause symptom relievers. Remifemin, an estrogen-free alternative to hormone therapy, is the most popular brand of black cohosh.
What Menopause Symptoms Does Black Cohosh Support?
The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements cites studies showing black cohosh’s effectiveness against hot flashes (also called hot flushes) and night sweats. In fact, cites a 2018 study of 80 menopausal women who were experiencing hot flashes: “Those that supplemented with 20 mg of black cohosh daily for 8 weeks reported significantly fewer and less severe hot flashes than before they started the supplement.”
other human studies like this one have shown black cohosh’s effect on other menopausal symptoms, such as:
- Vaginal dryness
- Heart palpitations
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Sleep disturbances
- Nervousness
- Irritability also states that black cohosh can be used to reduce:
- Bone density loss in postmenopausal women
- Heart disease in postmenopausal women
- Reduced mental performance in postmenopausal women
Wow! That’s more benefits than Google offers its employees!
What’s the Science Behind This Herb?
So, how does black cohosh work? Because it seems like it can do so much, you might be tempted to take black cohosh and be done with it. Who needs actual hormones if herbs can do the trick, right? Black cohosh can be a great natural solution to treat menopause symptoms. The thing is, no one knows why. Even though it’s been used for centuries by Indigenous Americans, and scientists have been able to figure out the molecular composition of many other herbs and essential oils (and thus, the reasons they do what they do), not so for black cohosh. But maybe all you need to know is that it might help you, and the reasons behind that don’t matter. If so, great!
Possible Side Effects
There are some concerns to consider with black cohosh. Just because it is natural doesn’t mean it’s problem-free. For one, most studies or reviews of its benefits show that those benefits tend to taper off around six months to a year of use. And, as mentioned in this list of top 10 natural supplements for menopause, black cohosh does have some side effects to be aware of, like stomach upset, cramping, headache, rash, a feeling of heaviness, vaginal spotting or bleeding, and weight gain. There is also the possibility of a drug interaction. Dr. Stephanie S. Faubion, in her Mayo Clinic-sponsored book The Menopause Solution, cites the possibility of black cohosh interfering with the effectiveness of tamoxifen, an established HRT drug. She also warns that rare cases of liver damage—some very serious—have been reported in people taking commercial black cohosh products, among other things. “People with liver disorders should consult a healthcare provider before taking black cohosh products, and anyone who develops symptoms of liver trouble, such as abdominal swelling, dark urine, or jaundice, while taking black cohosh should stop using it and consult a health care provider.” Spiderman taught us that “With great power comes great responsibility.” Often, with great potential benefits comes great potential side effects!
It’s a Wrap!
So, what’s a perimenopausal person to do? Don’t worry. Like a thick blanket protecting a six-year-old child from imaginary monsters, I’ve still got you covered. If you’re up for having a good heart-to-heart with your doctor about other natural supplements, vitamins, and medications, you’ll come away with the knowledge that, with some help and support, you WILL get through this. You may even come out better on the other side. In fact, take a moment to visualize what you want that “better” to look like. You might think that that dream just means you get to be migraine-free (that is a menopause symptom for some women, so if you don’t get those, maybe do a little jig of gratitude?) or just sweat like a normal person, but I promise you that menopause won’t last forever. You know what else won’t last forever, and has already begun to end? Menstruation and PMS. Hallelujah.
- Faubion, S. (2016). Mayo Clinic The Menopause Solution: A doctor’s guide to relieving hot flashes, enjoying better sex, sleeping well, controlling your weight, and being happy! Time Inc. Books
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[…] [people] that is especially helpful during menopause. Get comprehensive information about the many benefits of Black Cohosh people going through menopause may […]